Meet Shayna, the namesake behind the Hansen brand! We sat down with Shayna to talk about what it means to be a female business owner, how she handles the balance between being a mom and running a successful business, and everything in between! Q: Kris is the guy that...
Ingredients: 2oz Pink Josee 2oz Pineapple Juice 2oz Red Wine How to: Add Pink Josee and Pineapple juice to glass with ice. Float red wined on top. Garnish with pineapple leaves. (Optional, freeze lemon chunks into ice cubes)
Hansen’s Gingerbread Cookie Eggnog Recipe Created by Tyler C. 1.5 oz Hansen’s Gingerbread Cookie Cream Liqueur 1 oz Hansen’s Secret Stash Moonshine 1 Whole Egg Shake vigorously with ice, strain into a festive glass. Garnish with grated...